Test Your Application Locally

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This page documents best practices for unit testing applications built on CockroachDB in a local environment.

If you are deploying a self-hosted cluster, see the Production Checklist for information about preparing your cluster for production.

Use a local, single-node cluster with in-memory storage

The cockroach start-single-node command starts a single-node, insecure cluster with in-memory storage:

cockroach start-single-node --insecure --store=type=mem,size=0.25 --advertise-addr=localhost

Using in-memory storage improves the speed of the cluster for local testing purposes.

Log test output to a file

By default, cockroach start-single-node logs cluster activity to a file with the default logging configuration. When you specify the --store=type=mem flag, the command prints cluster activity directly to the console instead.

To customize logging behavior for local clusters, use the --log flag:

cockroach start-single-node --insecure --store=type=mem,size=0.25 --advertise-addr=localhost --log="{file-defaults: {dir: /path/to/logs}, sinks: {stderr: {filter: NONE}}}"

The log flag has two suboptions:

  • file-defaults, which specifies the path of the file in which to log events (/path/to/logs).
  • sinks, which provides a secondary destination to which to log events (stderr).

For more information about logging, see Configure logs.

Use a local file server for bulk operations

To test bulk operations like IMPORT, BACKUP, or RESTORE, we recommend using a local file server.

For more details, see Use a Local File Server for Bulk Operations.

See also

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