Data Types

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Supported types

CockroachDB supports the following data types. Click a type for more details.

Type Description Example Vectorized Execution
ARRAY A 1-dimensional, 1-indexed, homogeneous array of any non-array data type. {"sky","road","car"} Not supported
BIT A string of binary digits (bits). B'10010101' Not supported
BOOL A Boolean value. true Supported
BYTES A string of binary characters. b'\141\061\142\062\143\063' Supported
COLLATE The COLLATE feature lets you sort STRING values according to language- and country-specific rules, known as collations. 'a1b2c3' COLLATE en Not supported
DATE A date. DATE '2016-01-25' Supported
DECIMAL An exact, fixed-point number. 1.2345 Partially supported
FLOAT A 64-bit, inexact, floating-point number. 1.2345 Supported
INET An IPv4 or IPv6 address. Not supported
INT A signed integer, up to 64 bits. 12345 Supported
INTERVAL A span of time. INTERVAL '2h30m30s' Not supported
JSONB JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data. '{"first_name": "Lola", "last_name": "Dog", "location": "NYC", "online" : true, "friends" : 547}' Not supported
SERIAL A pseudo-type that combines an integer type with a DEFAULT expression. 148591304110702593 Not supported
STRING A string of Unicode characters. 'a1b2c3' Supported
TIME A time of day in UTC. TIME '01:23:45.123456' Not supported
A date and time pairing in UTC. TIMESTAMP '2016-01-25 10:10:10'
TIMESTAMPTZ '2016-01-25 10:10:10-05:00'
TIMESTAMP supported
TIMESTAMPTZ not supported
UUID A 128-bit hexadecimal value. 7f9c24e8-3b12-4fef-91e0-56a2d5a246ec Supported

Data type conversions and casts

CockroachDB supports explicit type conversions using the following methods:

  • <type> 'string literal', to convert from the literal representation of a value to a value of that type. For example: DATE '2008-12-21', INT '123', or BOOL 'true'.

  • <value>::<data type>, or its equivalent longer form CAST(<value> AS <data type>), which converts an arbitrary expression of one built-in type to another (this is also known as type coercion or "casting"). For example: NOW()::DECIMAL, VARIANCE(a+2)::INT.


    To create constant values, consider using a type annotation instead of a cast, as it provides more predictable results.

  • Other built-in conversion functions when the type is not a SQL type, for example from_ip(), to_ip() to convert IP addresses between STRING and BYTES values.

You can find each data type's supported conversion and casting on its respective page in its section Supported casting & conversion.

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